Impact of household fuel expenditure on the environment: the quest for sustainable energy in Nigeria

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

3 Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria


This study analyzed the impact of household fuel expenditure as a means of identifying sustainable energy. Secondary data were used obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on a general household survey carried out in 2016. The study employed descriptive statistics, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), and Consumer Lifestyle Approach (CLA) models. The results revealed that electricity and Liquefied Petroleum Gas )LPG( are the two clean energy sources. However, it was discovered that households dedicate a greater share of their income on dirty fuels. A total of 135,631kg of CO2 is emitted monthly with an average of38kgper household. The urban households were found to emit more CO2than rural households. Furthermore, family size, income, and educational level have a positive effect on CO2emission, while, younger household heads emit less CO2. The Kuznets hypothesis is also found to be applicable to Nigerian households. The present research recommended that the policy of cut one tree and plant five to be reinforced, electricity supply through solar and hydro sources should be improved, the income of the consumer should be augmented and LPG production and supply should also be increased and made affordable to households.

Graphical Abstract

Impact of household fuel expenditure on the environment: the quest for sustainable energy in Nigeria


  • There is a need to improve the income of the consumer because the higher income levels in the long run result in low CO2 emission.
  • LPG use should be encouraged in order to help improve the air quality of the environment.
  • The ongoing hydroelectric dams in Nigeria should be completed.


Main Subjects

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